Cassel Salpeter & Co. and its leadership team are routinely contacted by the news media to comment on investment banking, M&A and general trends affecting middle-market businesses.
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Cassel Salpeter & Co. is an Independent Investment banking firm that provides advice to middle-market and emerging growth companies.
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Cassel Salpeter & Co.
801 Brickell Avenue,
Suite 1900
Miami, FL 33131
(305) 438-7700
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What Does Affordable Healthcare Act Mean for Business?
With all the debate surrounding the Affordable Care Act, one could easily get lost in the rhetoric and lose sight of the issue that’s important now: The law is here, whether you like it or not.
Obtaining Equity Capital in Today’s Market
Growing a company is seldom easy, and today’s economic environment doesn’t make it much easier. However, even in today’s economy, there are ways to raise equity capital.
Tips for Picking the Right Business Loan
The size of your business, the purpose of the loan and how you operate your firm play a big part in the type of loan that’s available and right for you.
Family Business Sales Can Be Emotional
Decisions about the future of a company can be a source of great stress and family conflict.
10 Tips to Consider Before Selling Your Business
As an investment banker who represents clients during the sale, merger and acquisition process, I frequently hear comments from those who regret not planning more carefully — or not planning early enough — for the sale of their businesses.
Small Business Owners Should be Aware of ‘Lender Fatigue’
Earlier this month, it was reported that Bank of America capped credit lines and restructured repayment plans for an undisclosed number of its small business customers.
A ‘Wish List’ to Spur Growth of Small Businesses
Turn on cable news, and it’s not long before a political candidate or a pundit tells us how small business growth is the key to a healthier economy.
Buyout Firms Expand and Prosper in Florida’s Environment
Leveraged buyout firms, private equity firms — call them what you want — these companies have dug their heels into the South Florida sand
Is it the Right Time to Sell Your Business? James Cassel Gives Factors to Consider
With talk of a double-dip recession, continued high unemployment, and a schizophrenic stock market, business owners contemplating selling their businesses might think they would be better off closing the doors and throwing away the key
Florida M&A Deals Likely Flat in 2011
Merger-and-acquisition activity in Florida may be flat this year, despite earlier expectations that it would exceed last year’s total
Veteran investment bankers carve out a niche in South Florida
Launching a new business is never easy, but the investment bankers at Cassel Salpeter & Co. don’t have all the obstacles they once faced.
Ladenburg Thalmann Investment Bankers Start New Firm
That new firm will be called Cassel Salpeter and it will be based in Miami. The two professionals have been with Ladenberg Thalmann for three years; they sold their advisory firm Capitalink to Ladenberg in 2007.